Monday, September 7, 2009

Something that happen

Last friday, I vomited in school! I had been in school for 4 years and this is my first time vomiting. This week is a holiday again. I dislike holiday because as usual I had nothing to do and I usually wake up at around 7 plus 8a.m.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

A article on Newspaper!

SINGAPORE: They had stolen toiletries to the tune of about S$16,000 from supermarkets all over Singapore in eight months, and had 17 charges against them.

But because Daniel Wong Chee Kian, 38, is a schizophrenic and his wife, 39—year—old Boo Lee Choo, has a mood disorder — according to their Institute of Mental Health reports — the prosecution had already reduced the number of charges against them to one each.

And on Wednesday, they were both given a conditional discharge for stealing with a common intention. The couple’s lawyer had urged the court to grant them a conditional discharge and said they both seemed to be on the road to recovery after going for medical treatment.

Wong had originally faced 10 charges and Boo seven.

On January 21 last year, Wong and Boo went to the Cold Storage supermarket at Parkway Parade, took toiletries off the shelves and placed them in a shopping basket as they walked through the lanes.

A loss prevention officer, Mr Kelvin Po, who was monitoring the store’s CCTV cameras found their behaviour suspicious and went to the lanes to observe them.

He saw Boo taking out items from the shopping basket that Wong was holding and placing them in a red paper bag.

The couple then walked out of the supermarket without paying for the items in the red paper bag. Those were valued at around S$150.

Mr Po approached them but before he was able to introduce himself, Boo tried to escape. She struggled with Mr Po and scratched his hands. Wong ran away during the scuffle.

Boo was eventually detained. Wong was arrested later.

See all of you soon!
Love Sabrina :)

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Things that happens to me all in a week!

After all the votings times, my sister finally won the 2k as the prize for the watson You award and last but not least she also won the modeling contract with watsons and 1year of Sunsilk products. Thanks for those people who voted for her and her bf.All votes are appreciated! Those who added me on MSN, I have sent an email and please read it if you have then good. If you did not recieve or u are not my friend on MSN, sorry! Added me if you want, ask for my email okay? Bye!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Help to Vote + Win Prizes!!!!

Watsons You Awards 2009

Please help to vote for my sis & her bf for the Watsons contest! Here's the outline:

Voting Phase: 18th June 2009 till 1st July 2009
# 8 lucky voters who correctly votes for the YOU AWARDS category winner WINS...
  • $100 WATSONS Voucher!
  • $50 worth of sponsors' products
The category they got into: (CLICK ON PICTURE TO VOTE)

Thanks for all your votes!

Love, Sabrina :)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Things that are happening soon!!!!

On 21 of June,i am going for flee market at my mother's club.I am very excited and I can''t wait for it.But on that day, it is also Xuan ying's Birthday party at Sentosa.I think it was all coincidence because it was Father's day, my flee market and Xuan ying's birthday party.I actually do not believe in coincidence but this time I think I should really believe in fate.I am really very sad that I can't make it for Xuan ying's party because it is a must for me to go for the flee market.I am feeling very depressed because Vera's mum said that if I do not go she can't go.Vera, after reading this post please do not be sad because I can't do anything.So Vera please asked your mum again for her permission.BYE...........

Sunday, June 7, 2009

The day at Botanic

Yesterday,my family and I went to Botanic Garden in the morning.We went there by car,when we reached there it was very crowded with tourist.We took many pictures.Although it was extremely hot, it was a good experienced.My sisters and I had lots of mosquito bites on our leg.

The day at the Botanic

The day at the Botanic

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Monday, May 18, 2009

Mother's Day dinner.

Mother's Day dinner.

Mother's Day dinner.

On Sunday, we had Mother's day dinner at a restaurant.i would posted some pictures about us.

Mother's Day!!!!

On Mother's day, my family went out for lunch.I gave my mother 4 stalk of roses which are wrapped together.My mother was very happy to see it and she said I should not waste money buying things.After receiving her roses she said,"Next time when u buy roses, DO NOT wrapped it all in the same colours if not it would not be nice." I want to wish all mothers a happy belated Mother's Day.I think that mothers are worth to have Mother's Day because they are the ones who gave birth to us and they are the ones who actually felt the pains for us.So, treasure your parents!!!!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Happy 21st Birthday!!!!!

On 28 April, it was my sister's Birthday.We went to Sarkura including her boyfriend.Once again, let me wish u a Happy Birthday and stay pretty forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I will posted the pictures soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Sorry my dear readers for not posting any posts these few days.Do u want to know why? It is because,I had to study and when I used the Computer I did not want to post because u know posting TAKES A LOT OF TIME!!!! I wished to concentrate on my studies for the coming SA1. Hope U understand and please forgive me. Thanks!!!!Good night and have sweet dreams.I want to proved to people who looked down on me that I can do it!!!!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

A wonderful in school!!!

Today I read two stories, first is about Nick and next was about Jeremy Lim. I really loved reading sad story of Nick because when I read his sad story, I will think about when one day, I really becomes like him will I have the Courage to live in this world? Next story is about Jeremy Lim, Jeremy has osteoporosis which means his bones will break easily.I really admired the way his mother do to help him because the mother had to carry him when he is in primary school and the way he thank his mother really touched me. I really want to tell patients with sickness that " Don't give up on life!!!! Even if u have sickness, u should still live on this world because there are many people that do not have the chance to live in this world even if they wanted.Since u had the chance to live , u should take this opportunity to really cherish the time spent with your family and loved ones."

Friday, March 20, 2009

A day with my 1 sister!!!!

Yesterday, i went out with my sister and her boyfriend.We set off to our destination at 1.30p.m. but we reached the place at 3.30p.m.That's why i had a late lunch. We had Chicken rice for lunch.After lunch, we had Chocolate fondue.It was so delicious that I wanted to have even more.I admitted that I am greedy but it is because when I like to eat that thing, I will eat a lot but if I do not like it then I will not eat.Haha.I had an wonderful day yesterday.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

A day with my sis

Today was a memorable day because as u know this week is Holiday and I had to spent my life at home facing the walls.But it was not the same for today.I and my second sis went Thomson plaza to buy things.I think that I had spend my day meaningfully.Don't u think so?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Mrs Teo

Mrs Teo is my teacher.Today she teach us about SELF EXSTEEM.She said that we must have confident, feeling and able to love and respect ourselves before showing others how to love themselves. She drew a mind map on the board and asked us to write them on our English journal book and judge whether how high are we.I judge myself 7/10 because i think i am able to love and respect myself but lack of confidence.She said that we must stop thinking bad about ourselves when our best friend say things about us, we must try to think if she/he is speaking/telling the truth. Remember we must have confidence in what we do!!!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

An enjoyable and happy day!!!

Today was a memorable because i had plenty of fun with my parents. Firstly, it started at 9 a.m.We had breakfast together.After feeding our hungry stomach , we went temple to pray.After praying, we went to see traditional nonya clothes which i cannot believe what i saw .The clothes there was so pretty.At 12 noon,we had lunch nearby and we went home happily.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Pictures taken on birthday

My dearest bother's 16 Birthday!!!

Yesterday, was my brother's 16 year old birthday.We had a celebration at night by cutting cake and singing birthday song which is very lame. He enjoyed himself. I will post the pictures asap.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy birthday to my dearest mum!!!

This is my mum and she's taking a wish.I wonder what is her wish?

A lovely cake

Nice scenery

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Happy Valentine's day and i hope all of us spend our time with our loved ones today.As for me,i have no loved one that's why i will celebrated Valentine's day all by myself.Wish me good lucks so that i will not spend my Valentine's day myself from the next few years.

Monday, February 9, 2009

My best friend

Actually,my best friend can say is Hui Lyn,Vera and maybe Xuan Ying.Xuan Ying and I had a quarrel that why I not very sure if she is my best friend or not.But most properly it is Yes if she will not be so cold to me.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


A cold day

Today is a cold day because it is raining when im am tyring Haha!!! I hope everyone enjoy reading my blog since i have updated so many pictures and things about me.I think everyone have a greater impression in me.

Monday, February 2, 2009