Thursday, March 26, 2009

A wonderful in school!!!

Today I read two stories, first is about Nick and next was about Jeremy Lim. I really loved reading sad story of Nick because when I read his sad story, I will think about when one day, I really becomes like him will I have the Courage to live in this world? Next story is about Jeremy Lim, Jeremy has osteoporosis which means his bones will break easily.I really admired the way his mother do to help him because the mother had to carry him when he is in primary school and the way he thank his mother really touched me. I really want to tell patients with sickness that " Don't give up on life!!!! Even if u have sickness, u should still live on this world because there are many people that do not have the chance to live in this world even if they wanted.Since u had the chance to live , u should take this opportunity to really cherish the time spent with your family and loved ones."

Friday, March 20, 2009

A day with my 1 sister!!!!

Yesterday, i went out with my sister and her boyfriend.We set off to our destination at 1.30p.m. but we reached the place at 3.30p.m.That's why i had a late lunch. We had Chicken rice for lunch.After lunch, we had Chocolate fondue.It was so delicious that I wanted to have even more.I admitted that I am greedy but it is because when I like to eat that thing, I will eat a lot but if I do not like it then I will not eat.Haha.I had an wonderful day yesterday.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

A day with my sis

Today was a memorable day because as u know this week is Holiday and I had to spent my life at home facing the walls.But it was not the same for today.I and my second sis went Thomson plaza to buy things.I think that I had spend my day meaningfully.Don't u think so?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Mrs Teo

Mrs Teo is my teacher.Today she teach us about SELF EXSTEEM.She said that we must have confident, feeling and able to love and respect ourselves before showing others how to love themselves. She drew a mind map on the board and asked us to write them on our English journal book and judge whether how high are we.I judge myself 7/10 because i think i am able to love and respect myself but lack of confidence.She said that we must stop thinking bad about ourselves when our best friend say things about us, we must try to think if she/he is speaking/telling the truth. Remember we must have confidence in what we do!!!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

An enjoyable and happy day!!!

Today was a memorable because i had plenty of fun with my parents. Firstly, it started at 9 a.m.We had breakfast together.After feeding our hungry stomach , we went temple to pray.After praying, we went to see traditional nonya clothes which i cannot believe what i saw .The clothes there was so pretty.At 12 noon,we had lunch nearby and we went home happily.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Pictures taken on birthday

My dearest bother's 16 Birthday!!!

Yesterday, was my brother's 16 year old birthday.We had a celebration at night by cutting cake and singing birthday song which is very lame. He enjoyed himself. I will post the pictures asap.